1. You can build your own TZH and JOIN the CARAVAN, both on YOUTUBE and MCMF!
2. You can share your work on both places mentioned in #1.
3. Mail in your best build to the Lab-RAT-ory by August 1 to participate in a photo/video shoot! (Please note that if you mail in your entry, you are responsible for shipping costs in both directions. Contact Doctor Cranky for further instructions and details!)
4. If you are outside of the UNITED STATES, you can still participate in the TZH SQUAD CARAVAN by posting your progress and your final model pics and vids.
5. You can also support the TZH SQUAD by purchasing your copy of the OFFICIAL TZH SQUAD T-Shirt AVAILABLE NOW! You can order directly by visiting http://www.doctorcrankyslabratory.com/